Delamar Ghost Town “The Widow Maker”

Delamar, The Widow Maker, Lincoln County, Nevada, Pahranagat Valley, Ghost Town, Ruins, Mine, Mines, Mining, Abandoned Mine, Hiking, Camping, Exploring, Off Roading
Many of the old structures are still standing and impressive in their stature (click to enlarge)

In the early 1890’s, the gold camp/boom-town of Delamar was founded by John DeLamar of Montana.  It was soon to be known as “The Widow Maker,” due to the deaths of over 400 people that contracted silicosis.  This was due to the way gold was extracted from the quartz…grinding/crushing the quartz caused the miners to breathe in a very fine quartz dust.  At it’s height, there were over 1,500 residents and the town contained 2 churches, a hospital, theater, post office, school, and even an opera house.  Water was pumped in from a well over 12 miles away.  Supplies came via a mule train from even further away, from Milford, UT…150 miles away!  Today, there is still a lot to see and explore.  Be careful while exploring, as there are still several open mine shafts.  It’s a popular area for off-roading and there are hundreds of miles of two-track to explore around the area.

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